Saturday, May 13, 2006

May 13, 2006

Prospect Park

The un-Godly hour of 8:30am.

Oh, Jim what have you gotten yourself in to. The practice started at 8:30 and the coaches told us, "we're just going to run out for 12-15 minutes then we'll come back here and stretch."

Easier said than done. I start out real slow, real slow. Aurora and manage to make it to a water fountain on the Parkside Avenue side of the park. Ahh, sweet water, I never thought I'd love you so much.

At this fountain I had turn and go back the way we came. Did I mention that we down hill on our way out? So naturally that means in order to return we had to run up hill.

What on earth did I get myself in to. I was huffing and puffing, but I made it back.


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