Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Happy Birthday to my big brother!

Central Park

First whole team practice. There were over a hundred people who showed up for this practice. I couldn't believe it.

Our workout today, consisted of running around the reservoir. TWICE! Isn't that like 8 miles or something? (the reservoir loop is 1.5 miles) Easy enough right? Ha! The training part of today's workout was to work on arms. Every three lamp posts, we're supposed to run with exaggerated arm motions (swinging really fast or swinging really high).

When you swing your arms fast, your legs go faster. When you swing your arms higher, your stride gets longer. Go figure.

I was worn out by the time I finished my warm up. Apparently I have to start out much more slowly. I had to slow down quite a bit, but I finished the workout.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

May 13, 2006

Prospect Park

The un-Godly hour of 8:30am.

Oh, Jim what have you gotten yourself in to. The practice started at 8:30 and the coaches told us, "we're just going to run out for 12-15 minutes then we'll come back here and stretch."

Easier said than done. I start out real slow, real slow. Aurora and manage to make it to a water fountain on the Parkside Avenue side of the park. Ahh, sweet water, I never thought I'd love you so much.

At this fountain I had turn and go back the way we came. Did I mention that we down hill on our way out? So naturally that means in order to return we had to run up hill.

What on earth did I get myself in to. I was huffing and puffing, but I made it back.