Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Central Park with the whole team.

"We're not going to do much running today!" I could have sworn I heard someone say that. But I was wrong. Very wrong.

The goal today: run at an anaerobic threshold.

What does that mean? Run real fast for a short distance then recover, then run real fast for a short distance then recover. Repeat.

We started at 90 th street then ran up to 102nd traverse. Our work out today consisted of running at effort level 4 half way through the traverse then slow down to effort level 1 for the other half. We did that about six times. Coach Vanessa was at one end, Coach Christine was at the other end, and another coach in the middle.

I had to walk to recover from my effort level four. As we pressed on my speed went down and down. I have to recognize one of the team mates, Pete S. Pete was a machine. He sped back and forth like it was nothing. I think he lapped me twice.

So I have a little ways to go.

Survived the workout, back was a little stiff at the end but nothing to worry about.



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