Saturday, July 29, 2006


Two days of rest was not enough.

I set out to run 10 miles and seemed to be going along just fine. Then I stopped for a drink and took a few steps. Holy CoW it felt like someone was stabbing my knee.

I thought it's nothing. I jogged a few more steps and I was done for the day. I walked back to the bag watch, picked up my bag and went straight to the YMCA for a stretch in the air cooled comfort and a rinse in a cold shower.

The pain didn't go away when I got home, so I iced it up. Fearing this was ITBS I got on the computer and started the research. The first thing everyone says: REST. STOP RUNNING.

So no running for me for the next few days. Plenty of ice and rest. I think the two hard workouts this past week just ran me down, so now the body is saying you need to take it easy.

I'll keep you up to date.



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